Follow Joy. Live Truth. Be Free.
We teach Creative Humans like you how to...
Dissolve fear and do What Makes You Come Alive.
Transcend scarcity and manifest Aligned Abundance.
Stop being a victim and become a Sovereign King / Queen.
Join 8,500+ Warriors who love our Soul-Activating Power Ups:
Jordan Bates
Jordan Bates
Jordan Bates is a Creator, Activator, Entrepreneur, World Traveler, and Founder of Refine The Mind. He mentors Creators to own Power, trust Nature, and shift to an Aligned Path. He is infinitely curious about how we can liberate ourselves on every level to live the Truth of Who We Are.
Jordan Bates is a Creator, Activator, Entrepreneur, World Traveler, and Founder of Refine The Mind. He mentors Creators to own Power, trust Nature, and shift to an Aligned Path. He is infinitely curious about how we can liberate ourselves on every level to live the Truth of Who We Are.
Jordan Bates
Jordan Bates is a Creator, Activator, Entrepreneur, World Traveler, and Founder of Refine The Mind. He mentors Creators to own Power, trust Nature, and shift to an Aligned Path. He is infinitely curious about how we can liberate ourselves on every level to live the Truth of Who We Are.
Has Anyone Ever Told You the Truth of Who You Are?
You are an Infinite Creative Being.
Your True Identity is One with the Source of All That Is.
One with the Power That Births Universes.
In truth you are Choosing and Creating Your Reality.
You have Sacred Gifts that only you can share.
And you can do most Anything You Dream.
You are beginning to Remember Your True Power.
You are ready to let go of inner smallness and Rise...
This is why you are here.
I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole...
Let me tell you why you're here: You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain. But you feel it.
You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world.
You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me...
— Morpheus, The Matrix
There's More to Life Than You've Been Told...
Let's be real: You didn't come to Earth to spend 50 years doing shit you don't enjoy to please other people.
You came here to play, love, learn, and be an expression of your Soul.
Now is the time to remember that you are Already Whole.
That there is nothing you need to do or prove.
From this remembrance of your True Wholeness...
You can reconnect with Joy and Flow and do what truly brings you to Life.
You are here on Earth for a brief flash!, then gone.
Why spend your time doing other than living the Truth of Who You Are?
If you're ready to be radically honest with yourself, watch this 6-minute film:
Follow Joy. Live Truth. Be Free.
Join 8,500+ Warriors who love our Soul-Activating Power Ups:
What People Are Saying
Jon Brooks
"If a zombie apocalypse happened, one of the first people I’d call to help me survive and strategize would be Jordan Bates."
"Jokes aside, Jordan is one of the smartest people I’ve ever encountered. On a personal level, I trust Jordan with my life. He is a truly good person and expresses a genuine concern for his own level of integrity in all situations. The best part, however, is that beyond the razor-sharp intelligence and creative wizard skills that Jordan possesses, he is incredibly easy to be around—always ready to see the funny side of life...”
Happiness Engineer
"Jordan changed my life completely..."
Jordan is an exceptional thinker and visionary, always juggling multiple lenses through which he sees reality. He has this incredible power of facilitating the most profound transformation and opening doors in the most unexpected places. Working with him I've learned to shift perspective on what I believed were serious obstacles and limitations, and transmute the daily struggle and grind into a thrilling and playful process of self-discovery. If you sometimes feel like you are your own worst enemy and harshest critic, Jordan will surely help you let go of your limiting beliefs and blossom.
Sasha Flaska
Cryptocurrency Trader
"Jordan Bates is the loving catalyst for transcendental change."
"Jordan Bates is, simply put, one of the most engaged, energized, and aware human beings I’ve ever had the pleasure of connecting with. He has this youthful wonder and whimsy fueled by a burning passion to make the most of his uncertain time on this earth, and help as many people as he can wake up to their power and capacity to change the world. Jordan is filled with a boundless eternal love for the work he does, and all those that cross his path..."