Dear Family,
Do you feel it too?
The Voice of the New…
“A New Earth is wanting to be born.”

The Old has been breaking down for quite some time now…
In 2020, we saw this breakdown accelerate…
Our civilization’s absurd totalitarian reaction to the emergence of Corona…
Has illuminated the fear, neuroticism, and pathological desire to control…
That lie at the very core of the Old.
The spiritual sickness of our civilization runs far deeper than anything recognized by mainstream Western medicine.
It is the sickness of separation.
The sickness of forgetfulness of Who We Are.
We’ve been profoundly disconnected…
From Nature…
From each other…
And from ourselves…
For far too long.
All the sickness that we see on Earth, at every level of mind, body, spirit, society, and so on…
Emanates from this fundamental sickness of disconnection, separation, and fear.
This is what we’re truly facing.
This disconnection is at the root of why vast numbers of humans were already “fat, sick, and nearly dead” pre-Corona…
This disconnection is at the root of why most people on Earth live like slaves, spending most of their time doing shit they don’t want to do, padding someone else’s pockets…
This disconnection is at the root of why we still murder each other en masse, why we’ve raped the Earth and initiated an epoch of ecological crisis…
But now…
Something is shifting…
You feel it in your bones…
You sense it intuitively…
The breakdown of the Old is accelerating…
Even as the tentacles of the Old squirm desperately to keep things ‘locked down’…
The tectonic changes are increasingly impossible to ignore…
It’s like the whole planet drank ayahuasca and is presently experiencing a Great Purge…
It feels archetypal, rather like the Great Flood of Noah…
Like a Flood of high-frequency energy is pouring into this realm…
Pushing all the ‘gunk’ to the surface to be cleaned, released, transmuted…
And as if via a karmic roundhouse kick to the face…
Humanity must now gaze upon the shadows it has sewn for centuries…
Make no mistake: There’s no going “back to normal” now…
“Normal” was always a lie anyway.
“Business-as-usual” is done for.
We are being asked to wake up.

As if from a millennia-long nightmare, dissipating in a flash…
We are being asked to remember Who We Are.
Earth is wishing to be reborn.
And what an exciting opportunity this is…
To go back to first principles…
And redesign the DNA of our civilization.
To wisely, consciously, and artfully reinvent…
And all the rest…
This is what we are being asked to do.
How marvelously glorious!
I can think of few things more epic…
Than to be summoned, in this Great Mysterious Dream and Dance of Life…
To assist in the liberation of a planetary consciousness…
And to midwife the birth of an awakened civilization.
Since you are reading this…
YOU are meant to play a role in what is unfolding…
YOU are being called to Rise into your Higher Destiny.
This begins with what you do day-to-day…
How you direct attention…
How you speak…
How you walk…
How you pray…
How you carry yourself…
How you treat others…
What you eat…
How you breathe…
How you meditate…
What you wear…
Where you live…
Who you surround yourself with…
What you consume…
What you create…
What info you absorb…
What you give…
What you take…
How you relate to your addictions…
How you relate to your boundaries…
How you relate to sex and romance…
How you relate to family and children…
How you relate to masculinity and femininity…
How you relate to plants and animals…
How you educate yourself…
How you earn a living…
How you spend time in nature…
How you connect to Divinity…
And so forth…
THESE are the fundamental building blocks of life.
THESE are the fundamental keys and codes…
By which we self-hypnotize into a particular frequency and reality-tunnel…
Ask: How would your Divine Sovereign Self approach all these aspects?
Your King or Queen Self…?
Your Infinite God Self…?
Tune into your Infinite Self that is One with all things.
Start to feel this Presence as a living reality in your body.
Come into relationship with this Presence and allow it to gradually reshape all aspects of how you live…
Find the others who are doing the same…
And BUILD and BIRTH a New Earth from this frequency of Presence, Connection, and Unity…
This is what we are being asked to do.
Today is 1/11 of 2021.
I can think of no more auspicious date than this to do what I am about to do…
As of today, the gates are officially open for…

A New Earth Educational Institute…
At the intersection of Awakening, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Life Mastery, and Birthing the New Paradigm.
A Powerful Network and Vortex for emerging New Earth Leaders…
To “find the others,” learn, collaborate, and blossom together.
A deep library of razor-sharp teachings + ongoing live workshops to guide you…
To transcend the matrix in all aspects…
Master life in these tectonic times…
LIVE your Soul-Joy-Truth 100%…
Create Wealth for yourself and your family…
And help bring Heaven to Earth.
If you deeply resonate with these words…
Enrollment is open till February 22nd (2/22/21).
If you wish to hop aboard the starship, now is the best moment to apply.
There are already ~30 of us in the Vortex, as I’ve been quietly inviting powerful souls to join the Tribe and test everything out…
The results so far have been stunning.
There has never been a better moment…
To break out of the Old…
And to start birthing the New.
“Normal” is dead.
2021 promises to be a wild ride.
It’s time to remember who we truly are…
And BE IT.
For our families, the Earth, all beings, and for our own Free Souls.
Will you join us?
Click here to explore and apply for OUROBOROS: VORTEX.

About Jordan Bates
Jordan Bates is a Lover of God, healer, mentor of leaders, writer, and music maker. The best way to keep up with his work is to join nearly 7,000 people who read his Substack newsletter.