Despite predictions of apocalyptic events in 2012, planet Earth shows every sign of arriving in 2013, intact. It’s hard to believe we’re nearly 13 years into the new millenium. Time just keeps on rolling. The impending New Year, for many people, means it’s time for a bit of lifestyle re-imagining. Under the guise of ‘New Year’s [...]
Personal Growth
Lies are all around us. No, I’m not some paranoid conspiracy theorist. I am, however, addicted to knowing the truth. And guess what? People are lying to you. All day, every day. TV shows are lying to you. Politicians are lying to you. Music artists are lying to you. Advertisements are lying to you. You’re lying [...]
I used to be jealous. Back in high school, I wasn’t the most “popular” kid. I wasn’t hated by all or anything, but I hovered around the bubble between being “cool” or not. I let it bother me. I wanted to be taller, more athletic, and better-looking. I never despised myself, but I often let jealousy [...]
I want to share an important truth about life. This one thing can mean tragedy or bliss for you, depending on how you act on it. Ready? Here it is. Our habits become our lives. Everything you want to do each day results from actions you repeat and routines you develop. If you can muster the [...]
It’s saddening how many people fall into the treacherous quicksand of bad habits. They repeatedly make the same mistakes and end up feeling frozen in place. And most of the time, it isn’t their fault. They fail to grasp that we get from life what we give. They haven’t realized the world we see reflects [...]