Give me 10 minutes and I’ll tell you why you’re living in Narnia.
We are living in a time of unparalleled technological and societal changes. Like holy-sweet-Neptune-where-are-we changes. That shouldn’t really be news to you (you’re in it, after all), but maybe you hadn’t thought about it much. Things still move slowly enough that it’s fairly easy, at least for us doomed millennials younger generations, to assimilate all of [...]
Crowdfunding is f***ing cool, and it’s changing the world. Unless you pulled a Rip Van Winkle the past few years, you know about crowdfunding. It’s that thing where people launch campaigns to raise money for some project, endeavor, or financial need, and groups of strangers, friends, and/or followers kick in a few bucks to collectively foot [...]
On the crowded subway trains in South Korea, it can be challenging to spot a single individual (Where’s Waldo?) not engulfed-via-smartphone in the world of the Internet. At the Korean elementary school where I work, a persistent problem I face is how to get the kids to put away their phones (a sixth grader once [...]