Am “I” “privileged”? Totally! I’m the luckiest motherfucker alive!! An entire multiverse is given to me in every nanosecond and I don’t have to do anything to earn it. It simply spontaneously appears. A literal infinite playground on which to dance whatever dance I wish to dance appears spontaneously every nanosecond. In perfect clarity, with [...]
The “spiritual” community has a significant shadow around using “spirituality” to feel superior to others. This phenomenon includes me, 100%. The ego easily latches onto “special” mystical or psychedelic experiences and uses these to form a new “special” identity as a “special” wise person who has had profound experiences and hangs out with “high vibe” [...]
Some books are not books at all. They’re sticks of dynamite.
About three weeks ago, I went on a camping trip to Yosemite National Park. I’d never been to Yosemite. Of course I’d heard whispers of its legendary beauty, and I’d probably seen pictures of it here and there. But prior to departing, I made a point not to ask Google to show me 5,000 images [...]
“So I bid you, fellow walker of the Earth to examine your surroundings and perpetually shifting contexts. Looking deeply into your daily experience, what do you find?” Several weeks ago I found myself carried away by the strange yet very down-to-earth phenomenon of being a wave-like point shifting and settling all at once among an [...]