Am “I” “privileged”? Totally! I’m the luckiest motherfucker alive!! An entire multiverse is given to me in every nanosecond and I don’t have to do anything to earn it. It simply spontaneously appears. A literal infinite playground on which to dance whatever dance I wish to dance appears spontaneously every nanosecond. In perfect clarity, with [...]
Vinay Gupta is one of those humans who make you wish there were about 10,000 more humans exactly like him.
An essay on effective altruism, the world’s most useful flowchart, and how humanity might go about improving/saving the world.
“Be quiet, play by the rules, stand in line,” the system implicitly tells us. To hell with that. Break the rules. Open your eyes. Make some noise. Our institutions and sociocultural structures are failing us, and now is the time to take notice. Economic inequality has never been greater. Billions of people are living in poverty, starving, [...]
“Self-censorship is insulting to the self. Timidity is a hopeless way forward.” ― Ai Weiwei In the wake of publishing my recent piece on the sociocultural dysfunctions of the United States, a few people have criticized me. More specifically, a few Internet-folks have suggested that my emphasis on the need for change in our present global situation is [...]