Refine the Mind

I can hardly believe I’m doing this. Again. It’s mid-December, and I’m standing in swimming trunks on a boat ramp situated along the snowy shore of Lake Superior. Near-30°F water stabs at my feet, punishing them, numbing them. I’ve never taken a dip in such threatening water before. It’s like knives. I’m not sure I can do [...]

Words are the building blocks of the world. Words are powerful beyond measure. This is why Fascist regimes burn books and why corporations pollute mass media with subliminal promotions of popular ideology. Words make us who we are, and if you aren’t conscientious of how words are directing your life, you’re likely a slave to [...]

I used to be jealous. Back in high school, I wasn’t the most “popular” kid. I wasn’t hated by all or anything, but I hovered around the bubble between being “cool” or not. I let it bother me. I wanted to be taller, more athletic, and better-looking. I never despised myself, but I often let jealousy [...]

Last week, I was crippled by pointless worry. Little stresses here and there snowballed into serious anxiety. I began imagining worst case scenarios about the future, my hectic schedule, and my relationship. I allowed myself to be consumed by needless fretting. Instead of being swept up in these negative thoughts, I should’ve focused on being [...]

Every second of every day, we are all changing the world, for better or for worse. Some of you may scoff and think, Bullspiittt. Like what I’m doing right now has any effect on everything else. But you’re wrong. It does. All of our tiny thoughts, words, and actions add up to the whole. You are [...]

Working for long spells saps us of our motivation and focus. After working for an hour or three, we begin to slack off and distract ourselves. We tinker, fiddle, doodle, and daydream. Everyone experiences this, but not everyone knows a remedy. Countless folks assume they lack some quality that allows ‘hard workers’ to stay in [...]

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