Jordan Bates
A Free Digital Retreat for Men Returning Home to Who They Truly Are
7/30/22 — 7/31/22
Dear Brother,
On Saturday and Sunday, July 30th and 31st, I am hosting a free digital men’s retreat called The Tao of Man.
The primary purpose of the retreat is this:
To create an experience that assists men in knowing themselves, returning home to wholeness, relaxing into who they already are, activating creative power, and blossoming along their natural course.
Tao is an ancient word meaning “the way,” signifying the absolute principle underlying existence—and the path of artfully aligning one’s life with this principle.
The retreat will last from 2pm - 5pm UTC each day of the weekend—2pm - 5pm on Saturday, and 2pm - 5pm on Sunday.
It will involve the ancient practice of the Circle, as well as a number of other practices, exercises, and modalities.
Men are welcome to join either day, or both days.
A secondary purpose of the retreat is this:
To provide a prelude to Brothers of the Ever Innocent Heart—the longer upcoming brotherhood journey I’m leading. I want to give men a hearty serving of the medicine of men’s work, so they can get a clearer idea if this work is for them.
Though I may speak about it briefly at some point, or answer questions about it, there will be no ‘hard sell’ or pressure to join Brothers of the Ever Innocent Heart.
It’s perfectly welcome and encouraged to attend the retreat, even if you do not join Brothers of the Ever Innocent Heart afterwards.
Thank you for reading, brothers.
If you feel a spark and a call to deepen into the Tao of artful manhood...
Click the buttons below to register and to join the Telegram group for the retreat, and I'll see you there.
"Brotherhood—rooted in the ancient practice of the Circle—is one of the great Healing Medicines for the modern man. Men deeply need brotherly connection with honorable men."
— Jordan Bates
Made with Love by Jordan Bates & Ouroboros — 2022