Jordan Bates & Kumankaya
A 7-Day Entheogenic Retreat in a Jungle Oasis for Truth-Seekers Returning Home to Wholeness, Freedom, Power, & Love
We ongoingly host these types of retreats so please apply.
"Absolutely life-changing. The most important thing I've ever done. Years of therapy and pill medication did nothing compared to the accelerated program here. Beauty. Words don't do it justice. Incredibly profound."
— Jake, Past Retreat Participant, USA
Dear Family,
November 27th - December 3rd, deep in the Mayan jungle of Mexico, something special will take place…
An intimate tribe is gathering on hallowed ground for a once-in-existence event…
Gathering to sit with two great entheogenic teachers, ayahuasca and Bufo alvarius…
At an oasis about which future songs will be sung…
A New Earth temple known as…

There are certain locations on Earth that carry a mysteriously powerful energy.
Kumankaya is such a place — the most remarkable vortex I have ever found…
Kumankaya is a portal that utterly changed my partner Tanja and I’s lives.
It is a healing center created and stewarded by Remi and Ashley Delaune, two great shamanic beings who have become like family to us…

It was there that I asked Tanja to marry me, and there that we became engaged within the ceremonial Shipibo ayahuasca tradition…

It was there that I first met Bufo alvarius, the “God molecule,” one of my greatest teachers…
It was there that I experienced some of my deepest journeys with another of my greatest teachers—the lovingly uncompromising mirror known as ayahuasca…
And it was there that we hosted our two Radical Freedom retreats in 2021...

Now, this November, we will return…
To co-create two retreats with our family at Kumankaya…
Tanja will lead a retreat called Women Rising.
And I will lead a retreat called Presence of God.

The Intention for the Retreat
The intention of Presence of God is to forever change the lives of those who attend, by bringing them ‘face to face’ with the Divine.
This is not hyperbole.
The best way I can describe the impact of Bufo alvarius and ayahuasca upon my life…
Is to say that they gave me the greatest gift imaginable: Direct and undeniable experiences of God.
I view these two medicines as being among the most sacred and profound sacraments known to man.
It is no exaggeration to say that my vision of life, my sense of creative power, and my trust in the Divine…
Have expanded exponentially through my meetings with these teachers—to previously unimaginable heights.
That is not to say that these medicines are a panacea, or that they will solve all your problems.
Human life is still human life afterwards. It is seen in a new light, yet still has its peaks and valleys.
It is not possible for me to predict what these medicines will gift to you, for each journey is totally unique.
All I can really say is that you will receive what you are ready for.
In addition to the central pillar of the medicine experiences, I will also be leading a variety of other workshops and sessions, designed to complement and deepen the medicine work.
Through direct God-realization practice, shadow work, dance, empowering transmissions, and radical honesty, I will assist you in knowing yourself, relaxing into the wholeness that you are, and boldly living your truth in this lifetime.
This painting by CoryaYo—and his painting at the top of this page—are the best visual depictions of the Bufo alvarius experience that I have ever seen.
This painting by CoryaYo is the best visual depiction of the Bufo alvarius experience that I have ever seen.
How might this change your life?
You will know in your heart if you are called to receive the revelations bestowed by these teachers…
And I do recommend only to meet these teachers if your heart’s calling is unmistakably clear.
For these teachers are not something to take lightly.
They are not for the faint of heart.
They are direct portals to God’s inconceivable grace—an inferno of Love beyond all reckoning.

This can be a lot for a human being to take in. The human mind cannot possibly have any idea what I am speaking of, until it is in it.
Through this grace—and through the assistance of a true shaman such as Remi—miraculous healing, liberation, and empowerment are possible.
Through these teachers, it is possible to gaze upon the most precious celestial jewels of this mysterious existence.
It is possible for all of Creation to dissolve as you witness yourself melting into the light of fathomless infinity.
Again, I cannot possibly say what you will experience.
That is for you to find out.
It is no exaggeration to say that meeting these teachers will almost certainly be one of the pinnacle apotheoses of your lifetime.
Life is not the same afterwards.
Probably there will be an immense deepening of faith, reverence, astonishment, and a resounding calling to be what you truly are…
To playfully create what only you can create.
To uplift the whole by radiating your true sun-like power.
If these words speak to you, perhaps you are meant to join us.
"I leave feeling complete. More complete than I ever have."
— Zach, Retreat Participant in 2021
What will you experience?
What you will experience cannot be compressed into language, but this will give you an idea:
☯︎ 2 Ayahuasca ceremonies with Remi Delaune, a true shaman who sings otherworldly icaros in a maloca with unbelievable acoustics. Ayahuasca often brings about multi-dimensional healing and liberation.
☯︎ 2 Bufo alvarius ceremonies with Remi Delaune — 5-MeO-DMT, the ‘God molecule,’ often teleports humans directly to egoless, timeless Divinity.
☯︎ 5+ workshops and group sessions with Jordan Bates — likely integrating direct God-realization practice, awakening guidance, empowerment teachings, psychedelic integration, shadow work, radical honesty, New Earth DNA, heart-opening, creatorship, the art of living truth, Q&A, and more

☯︎ One of the most healing massages of your life, from a local indigenous Mayan healer, one of the sweetest men I've ever met
☯︎ Live (freestyle) music performance(s) by Jordan Bates
☯︎ Raw, real sharing circles allowing you to speak and listen from the heart, and receive reflections
☯︎ Medicinal dancing to release inhibition, be courageous, and embrace playful flow — led by Jordan Bates
☯︎ Deep yoga flow with Ashley Delaune to nurture and nourish your body
☯︎ One or more inspiring workshops led by Tanja Schomann
☯︎ Beautiful, clean, healing food to purify your system on a physiological level
☯︎ Hammock lounging and community bonding
☯︎ Much sacred fun, play, lightness, laughter, and humor, to help you deeply realize that life is play
☯︎ A 7-day, 6-night immersion (~145 hours) in the Mayan Jungle, at the mythical Eden-esque center known as Kumankaya, where time is forgotten and the Now expands endlessly
☯︎ Intimate conversation, guidance, & chillaxation with Jordan Bates, Tanja Schomann, & shamanic facilitators, Remi & Ashley Delaune
☯︎ 1 pre-retreat group preparation call with Jordan Bates + access to a retreat Telegram group with JB, to build community and confidence and answer any questions you have
☯︎ 3 post-retreat group integration calls with Jordan Bates in the months following the retreat, to assist you in "bringing the magic home" and smoothly re-acclimatizing to human life
☯︎ 1 post-retreat 1:1 integration session with Jordan Bates ~1-2 months after the retreat
What is the financial cost?
$2,222 is the 'early bird' contribution, for those who commit and make a ~50% deposit by October 1st.
After October 1st, the contribution is $2,555.
We are doing the 'early bird' setup this way to encourage early registrations, as it is far smoother to organize retreats when participants confirm early on.
The financial contribution for the retreat is all-inclusive once you arrive in Tulum, Mexico—it does not include your flights.
Additional scholarship assistance is possible for those in challenging situations who feel a great calling to attend. If you are financially prosperous and wish to make a donation to help fund scholarships for others, please let us know.
In full transparency, $1,300 of your financial contribution for the retreat will go directly to the beautiful stewards of Kumankaya—Remi, Ashley, and their team.
The remainder of your contribution goes toward covering Tanja, Lila, and I’s expenses around the retreat: Flights, lodging and food in the days before and after the retreat, payment-processing fees, potential scholarships for low-income attendees, materials for the retreat, and other miscellaneous expenses that inevitably arise when creating retreats.
Whatever remains after expenses, will be what Tanja and I earn for our role in creating, organizing, and facilitating the retreat + the preparation/integration sessions—supporting us to continue doing this vocational work.
"Magical and healing..."
— Kevin, Retreat Participant in 2021
What Past Retreat Participants Say
In 2021, we hosted two Radical Freedom retreats at Kumankaya. Here is what some of the participants said about the experience:
"There was just such immense love, encouragement, support and wisdom being poured into our hearts. The team was also just a beautiful mirror for us to ground into the truth. Because that's what it's all about. It is moving beyond the stories that we incessantly tell ourselves that keep us trapped in the prison of our minds. This retreat absolutely demolishes those shackles, and I'm super grateful. Thank you so much, it was beautiful. I learned so much from y'all, so much about myself. I am forever grateful. Thank you, I love you. Much love. Peace."
— Brady, Retreat Participant, USA
"I leave feeling complete. More complete than I ever have. Acknowledging all the facets of my personality and all the depth that I choose to ignore at times... I feel a sacred connection to everything after this work. I'm so, so grateful to Jordan, Tanja, and the whole team. I want to continue this work for the rest of my life and see where it goes. It's a wonderful road. Sending big love and appreciation to everyone who was involved."
— Zach, Retreat Participant, USA
"The experience has been really magical and healing. Just coming here to this amazing place and hearing all the wilderness feels so calming and relaxing. Being here with everyone in ceremony and all healing together and supporting each other really opened up my heart. My biggest highlight was the time after ceremony. Just sharing our experiences together and getting to know everyone and hearing their stories."
— Kevin, Retreat Participant, USA
"My experience was beautiful overall. It was healing and it was life affirming and it was a gift that I gave to myself that I'm truly grateful of receiving. I really enjoyed the camaraderie, the sharing with each other and the group process. The entire process was in some parts challenging and in some parts a lot of fun, but overall enriching and helpful in a lot of ways. At this point in time, I feel like I need to come back here every year of my life just to bathe and bask in the love that is here."
— Austin, Retreat Participant, USA
"My experience was really powerful. I’ve been going through a really rough time for the last four months or so and this felt like a deep reset and a remembrance of the joy and gratitude in the world and all the possibilities out there. The community, the medicine, the workshops… Everything just came together for a big reset."
— Eric, Retreat Participant, USA
"Absolutely life-changing. The most important thing I've ever done. Years of therapy and pill medication did nothing compared to the accelerated program here. Beauty. Words don't do it justice. Incredibly profound."
— Jake, Retreat Participant, USA
Your Facilitation Team

Jordan Bates is a simple man who would rather die than live a lie. He is a teacher, space-holder, writer, rapper, mystic, and celebrator of God. His quest for truth has taken him to 30+ countries and the far reaches of inner space. His life is devoted to naked authenticity, radical love, and the playful liberation of consciousness.
Dr. Tanja Schomann is Jordan's fiance. She is a bridge between worlds with a heart of gold. Her journey led her to earn a PhD in Psychology from Cambridge; to travel to 40+ countries; to become a Professor of Business Ethics; to co-found multiple new-paradigm businesses; to empower women and social entrepreneurs in the developing world; and to dive deep into consciousness work for nearly two decades.
Lila Phoenix Bates is Jordan and Tanja's beloved daughter. She is a playful beam of sunlight with an uncanny knack for making everyone smile. Her radiant innocence is a gift to behold.

Remi Delaune is a true shaman who has walked the medicine path for 12+ years, spending 4.5 years in isolation dieting master plants. His lineage is the Peruvian Shipibo tradition. Earlier in life, he was a monk for 20 years and a Doctor of Philosophy who read thousands of books on metaphysics. His gorgeous icaro songs have miraculous healing power.
Ashley Delaune has been working with the medicine since 2016, when her journey led her to Nihue Rao Centro. She began apprenticing under Ricardo Amaringo the following year and has now accumulated over 2 years of dieting experience. In 2018, she and her husband co-created Kumankaya Healing Center. Ashley is a certified yoga and meditation teacher.
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
— Carl Jung
Is this for you?
If you sense that it is time for you to know God more intimately and profoundly…
If you find yourself on the direct path home to Love and a New Earth…
If you feel called to expand in freedom, authenticity, clarity, and trust in Life…
If you know it’s time to activate a new level of power…
If you intuit that it is time to download the next stages of your soul’s vision for this lifetime…
There is a strong likelihood that you are meant to join us.
If you feel the spark, please apply and schedule a 1:1 heart-to-heart to speak with me about the retreat and find out if it is the right fit for both of us.
Jordan, Tanja, & Lila
Made with Love by Jordan Bates & Ouroboros — 2022