Ouroboros presents ...
OUROBOROS is here to unite and empower New Earth Creators to RISE together into our Higher Destinies.
It is a New Earth Vortex at the intersection of Awakening, Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and New Paradigm Mastery.
A Real Life Hogwarts for a Planet Shifting at Light Speed.
An Incubator and Accelerator for the Mystics, Magicians, and Misfits…
A Powerful Network and Mastermind for emerging New Earth Leaders…
To “find the others,” learn, collaborate, and blossom together.
A Mystery School with a growing library of 40+ hours of razor-sharp teachings + ongoing live workshops to guide you…
To transcend the matrix in all aspects…
Master life in these tectonic times…
LIVE your Soul-Joy-Truth 100%…
Create Aligned Wealth for yourself and your family…
And help bring Heaven to Earth.
☯︎ Remembering Who You Are so you can access the Peace and Joy of NOW and FLOW with Grace and Ease
☯︎ Creating Aligned Wealth doing what you LOVE and making a True Impact by serving your Unique Medicine to the world
☯︎ Taking Massive Aligned Action to CREATE what your Soul is truly yearning to bring forth into this Realm
☯︎ Connecting to your SOUL TRIBE so we can all empower one another and spiral upward together
☯︎ Activating as a New Paradigm Entrepreneur so you FEEL GOOD about Money, Marketing, Sales, and Business and confidently harness these tools for the upliftment of All
☯︎ Manifesting the Next-Level Relationships, World Travels, and Abundant Opportunities Your Soul Came to Earth to Experience
What's Included?
☯︎ OUROBOROS TRIBE: Our Powerful Community / Network of New Earth Leaders — True Community, Collaborative Opportunity, Soul Support, & Deep Accountability
☯︎ OUROBOROS School of Wealth and Wizardry: A growing library of 40+ Hours of Premium Video and Written COURSES, MASTERCLASSES, & DIALOGUES on:
○ New Paradigm Business Mastery
○ Deep Wealth Reprogramming
○ Enlightenment & Awakening
○ Igniting Creativity
○ Birthing the New Earth
○ Loving What Is
○ New Earth Wealth & Cryptocurrency
○ Waking Up From the Matrix
○ Taking Your Leap of Faith
○ Letting Go of Fear
○ Exiting the Rat Race
○ Marketing & Sales as an Art Form
○ Magickally Traveling the World
○ Awakened Relationships
○ Stepping Into Your True Power
○ The Art of Manifestation
○ Radical Shadow Integration
○ Wise Psychedelic Use
○ Many More Secrets of Existence
☯︎ Initiation into a POWERFUL SOUL-ACTIVATING VORTEX and Energy Field That Will Call Forth New Levels of Focus, Purpose, Accountability, and Motivation
☯︎ Numerous Proven Templates, Blueprints, Scripts, Experiments, Maps, Exercises, & Challenges to Level Up Your Being & Business
☯︎ The Opportunity to practice 1:1 COACHING / HEALING SESSIONS with other Tribe Members to Build Skills, Grow Confidence, & Receive Testimonials
☯︎ First Access & Powerful Savings on Future OUROBOROS Events, Retreats, & Programs
☯︎ Numerous Surprises Along the Way
OUROBOROS SCHOOL + COMMUNITY is accessed through the small price of $22/month.
Organized by the Creator of OUROBOROS
Jordan Bates
Jordan Bates is a Wizard, Artist, Activator, Founder of OUROBOROS, & Co-Creator of HighExistence. For 10 years he's been on a Mystical Quest for Truth that has led him to 33 countries and the far reaches of Inner Space. In that time he's built multiple New Earth Businesses, reached millions of people, and become a prosperous Creator and Entrepreneur. He is infinitely curious about how we can liberate ourselves on every level to align with our Highest Joy, thereby contributing to the liberation of Consciousness on Earth and beyond.